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Taking risks.

Taking risks.

As we approach Easter, I have had eggs on my mind.  Hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, chocolate eggs, candy filled eggs.  Eggs.  Eggs.  Eggs.  Everywhere.  Literally.  Really.  They are all over my living room floor. Behind me as I type this.  Well, plastic ones. Empty plastic ones post-neighborhood egg hunt.

About ten minutes before my husband was heading home from work today,  I was irritatingly lackadaisical in trying to figure out what to make for dinner.  My first thought, always in this predicament, is to make breakfast.  I love it.  The boys love it.  Husband though?  Not so much.  For those of you that know my work out/protein-loving-husband, you know that he eats scrambled eggs (6 egg white/2 yolks) EVERY morning.  For TEN YEARS.  EVERY DAY.   “Most important meal of the day” he says.  Ok, well this most “important” meal has to be at DINNER for the rest of us.  Short story long, I decided to spice it up a little.  I decided to make omelets for dinner.  The intimidating omelet.  I had attempted many times before but was painfully disappointed every time and always ended up turning them into faux scramble eggs.  I had just read the April issue of Food Network Magazine (sigh… love) and Alton Brown breaks it down.  I was willing to jump in head first and risk another omelet failure.  There’s only four adorable men patiently (im) waiting for dinner, right? I did mention I was running behind, didn’t I?  I followed it to the letter and they tuned out perfectly  (they looked exactly like the picture above)!  Wahoo.  Success.  I had to share this with you all.  While not a typical product review blog, file this under Tips and Tricks.   The link below is to the recipe for the Perfect Omelet.  I highly recommend you try it.  Silly little feats of accomplishment are the best, aren’t they?

Perfect Omelet on the Food Network.

I am going to try a few other Egg tips in the next few days, I’ll be sure to pass along any other helpful info.

Happy egg cooking everyone!

About MincedReviews

I am a former buyer of Kitchenware and Dinnerware for a major US retailer. I am now the owner/blogger extraordinaire of MincedReviews. Hope you enjoy the blog! Thanks for following! Happy cooking!

4 responses »

  1. How about the hard boiled (for the easter bunny of course). I cant EVER get it right! The yolk ends up gray and i cant peel them. I am seriously a lousy cook but, a hard boiled egg?? How hard can it be? Impossible for me…

  2. Where are all the goodies in the omelet though? You know, mushrooms, peppers, ham, cheese, etc, etc. I can’t do just eggs! The Big E. needs to change his breakfast up too! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Weekly Menu Plan – 22.0 | MincedReviews

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